Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fabric Clutch Purse

I know I have not posted anything in a while but I have been trying to hunt down a specific treasure for this project. For the last couple days I have been trying to find the right size metal frame for the clutch. I still did not find the one that I wanted. But, the one that I have will do. I've always thought that making a purse would be hard. After watching the Martha Stewart show (one of my favorite shows during the day) and seeing her and her guest do a demo. I thought to myself "that looks very easy". Then off to the fabric store I went and went crazy while I was there. I spent so much money on just fabric, it was crazy (I had to hide the receipt from Marty :-O). Anyway, lets get to the tutorial.

The materials for this project:
  • Decorative fabric for outside of clutch
  • Fabric for lining
  • Heavyweight fusible stabilizer
  • Fusible fleece
  • Rotary cutter
  • Iron
  • Sewing machine
  • Coordinating sewing thread
  • Bond 527 Multi-Purpose Cement
  • Metal clutch frame hardware (8-by-3in)
  1. Cut 13 1/2 (width)-by-13(height) inch pieces from from the decorative fabric, lining fabric, and heavyweight fusible stabilizer. Cut a 10 1/2 (width)-by-13 (height) inch piece of fusible fleece. With an iron, fuse heavyweight stabilizer to wrong side of decorative fabric, then fuse fleece to center of stabilized side of fabric.

  2. With right sides of decorative and lining fabrics together, sew 1/2-inch seams along both longer 13 1/2-inch edges.

  3. Turn sewn pieces so right sides are facing out, and press seams flat.

4. Fold in half, matching seams at top, with lining on inside. Sew a 1/4-inch seam on outside raw edges, then trim seam allowances to 1/8 inch and snip in at the corners. Turn again, so decorative fabric is on the inside. Sew 1/4-inch seam along edges, creating a finished French seam, then turn right side out.

****When I fold the fabric in half, I used a paper clip to keep it in place.

5. Fold corners down; mark and sew a 2-inch gusset on each. Trim corner to 1/8 inch. Turn again so lining faces out; sew a 1/4-inch seam along gussets to finish seams. Turn right side out one last time.

6. Apply a bead of fabric glue to metal frame. Center over top seam, carefully insert fabric in metal frame, and secure in place with tape. Allow glue to set for several hours ( I didn't listen to the directions and the fabric kept falling out of the frame, silly me).

Annnnnd here are the results..........

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Zesty Grilled Chicken Kabobs

Wow, I am feeling really good because this is my first food post. Last night for dinner, I made some really tasty chicken kabobs. I mean they were so good that the baby even ate some and might I say she is a really picky eater. I also got a thumbs up from Marty (that's the husband). Now for the ingredients:

2lbs of Chicken breast
Now these below are just an approximate guess
3/4tbsp cumin
3/4tbsp ground pepper
3/4tbsp sea salt
3/4tbsp chili powder
3/4tbsp garlic powder
EVOO- for all of you who don't know what that is; Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Rosemary garlic seasoning
Yellow, green or red peppers
small potatoes
5 metal skewers

1)Cut your chicken breast into large cubes, then on a separate cutting board cut all of your veggies.

2)Put into a small bowl your cumin, ground pepper, sea salt, chili powder and garlic powder. Then mix together with a fork so all the spices are incorporated well.

3)Now mix your cubed chicken with the dry ingredients above and drizzle in the EVOO then toss and in another bowl mix your veggies and potatoes with the Rosemary garlic seasoning and drizzle in the EVOO and toss as well.

4)Now let the Chicken sit in the marinade for about 1hr. So they can be nice and tender when it is time to grill

5)After the chicken is done marinading, the fun part begins: putting it all on the skewers

This is how we did it (Courtney loved helping me do this part)

Make sure your grill is nice and hot. Place the kabobs on the grill for 4-6mins then come back and give them a 1/4 turn. Keep doing that until the chicken is about 160 degrees in the inside.

Then serve and let your family bask in your awesomeness.

They absolutely loved this meal.

Courtney's face says it all.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

I know this is a blog all about my crafting and food experiences and what do we have here. Nothing about crafting nor food. I was so busy, I literally did not have any time to do any crafting today. I was spending all of my time on and with my 7 year-old today. Recently, I've decided to home school Courtney (my 7 year-old) and I am so confused on where to start. So I spent most of the day with one of the mothers from my church, who also home schools her four children. I got tons of information from her. Thanks Teresa. But, I am so far away from actually making a decision on which curriculum I am going to use.

Hopefully tomorrow I can start some crafting and be able to post it. Since our family was supposed to go camping this weekend. Mother nature had a different plan for us. till next time bloggers and blog followers.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Well, I am new to the whole blogging thing. So, please bear with me. I've seen other blogs and thought, maybe I could do that too. Then that voice in the back of my head (the one we never listen to, even though we should) was telling me. Hey Taisha, Why not? Who or what will it hurt? I have nothing but time on my hands since I quit my job. Which by the way was one of the smartest decisions I've ever made.
I have tons of crafty ideas I could share with everyone and I've seen lots of tutorials from one of the craftiest (if that is even a word, but I think so) persons in the WORLD Ms. Martha Stewart.

So lets get this blogging thing crackin.