Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Baby Animal Pictures

Well, I have come to the last crafting project for Christina's room....Whewww. Their was one of the walls in her room that was totally bare and I wanted to put something there.. but what?

I went to Target, looked on PotteryBarn Kids, Walmart, Babies-r-us. Need I say more. I couldn't find anything that I really liked. Or if I did find something it was WAY out of my price range. So I came up with an idea to paint a mural on the wall (to ambitious for me). Plus, I do not have the artistic ability for a project that huge. I mean, come on, it's a bedroom wall. If I were to mess up I would try to kick myself in the but and the way my butt is spreading now I could probably do it.LOL

Going with the original idea, I decided to go smaller. So I went to Michaels to get some painting canvas'. I stood in the aisle for a long time trying to figure out what size I wanted to get.
(Do I go with a big canvas or a bunch of small ones)

Then, I remembered a design challenge I saw on the Nate Burkus show (now one of my new favorite shows on daytime TV) and he was telling one of the contestants that having a bunch of smaller art on a bare wall would look better than a bigger piece of art.

The "Problem Solved," light bulb went off in my head. So I went with four 8'x8' Canvas'.

Like I said before I am not the best artist in the world. So I had to recruit my beloved husband to help me. Unlike me he knows how to doodle.

This is what I've come up with so far.

and this is how they will be layed out on the wall, maybe not in the same color order, but it will be close.

The picture on the top left will be a piggy. The pink one will be a zebra. The brown one is a lamb and of course the one on the bottom right is a turtle.

I have to say the husband did a very good job. Their is no limit to what we can do together. LOL

I will keep you guys updated when it is all complete.

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow! That is amazing. Good job you two!!
    What a good idea, Taisha!

